Student Has Spare Evening to Watch Anything They Like, Rewatches the Same Thing


In what can only be described as ‘the biggest upset since the end of Gossip Girl,’ one student has been making headlines after choosing to rewatch the same film for the 5th time in a month rather than watch something new.

It is not often that students have an entire free evening to themselves. Constantly throughout a degree career, there are late-night purges of secondary texts and resource-making, so it was a surprise in itself when Southampton student, Kiera Peer, found her to-do list fully ticked and a Tuesday night completely empty. However, the delight soon turned to disgust. After being faced with a 10-minute scroll of movie options, Miss Peer did the unimaginable and picked the first film under ‘Watch Again’.

The film in question, Bridget Jones’s Diary, had already been seen a previous four times that month by Miss Peer, who thought of it as ‘relatable’. This itself was a surprising remark from someone quite a while away from their 40s slump’. What is perhaps even more disgruntling is that there are sequels, one of which is on the same streaming service, that have not yet been touched. This was not a case of understanding a franchise, but wallowing in the comfort of repetitiveness.

Clinical Psychologist, Dr Dave Brain, commented on this phenomena:

More and more we are seeing people stuck in the cycle of vigorous re-watching. Frequently, it is younger people whose brains are so overworked during their average day that they simply don’t have the mental capacity to make a worthwhile choice. This explains why this keeps happening, but doesn’t explain why you’d compare yourself to Bridget Jones.

Miss Peer, who’s just finished watching it again (! seriously?) has approached Wessex Scene to justify her actions:

It’s not often I get time off and I always overwork myself. When I have an evening free, my mind is just so frazzled that I put on something easy and I know I like. It’s not that weird! It’s a comfort, and isn’t that the point of having time off? I think it’s a funny film too. I like ice cream, drinking, and pretending I will get to choose between Hugh Grant and Colin Firth in 20 years.

*We here at Wessex Scene felt the need to clarify that everyone should aim higher than the two male love interests in this movie. You’re better than that. Also, who’s baby is it? I never did get round to watching the se-sequel.


Wessex Scene Editor 21/22. Living vicariously through other people.

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