Tories unsure whether to blame current or previous Labour government for current mess
J.M. Hurford gives a satirical report of the Tory record defeat
→J.M. Hurford gives a satirical report of the Tory record defeat
→A brief overview of PSN:UoS’ open letter and how you, as a student, can help.
→The outcome of our 2024 AGM!
→JM Hurford questions the enrolment of the SEAtS app in other aspects of student life in an article from our Change and Adaption Magazine
→Have your say before 4pm on the 30th April!
→Members’ Newsletter 08/04/2024 – It’s AGM time!
→Find out the latest about what’s going on at Wessex Scene!
→Wessex Scene Members’ Newsletter 04/02/2024
→How sustainable is our food production? This is one of many issues the Warwick Economics Summit hopes to tackle in 2024.
→Just because a person is wealthy, insufferable, and out of touch with reality, are they really a bad person?