Browsing: Features

Features is where you’ll find a bit of everything: from creative writing to personal experiences. As a general rule, if an article doesn’t seem to fit anywhere else but it’s got a personal touch to it, it belongs here.

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A local story about a local University of Southampton society, Byron Lewis recalls the beauty of his old office in SUSU.

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Leaving your home country for another is a hard process to adapt to, but Alyssa-Caroline Burnette introspectively reflects on one of these challenges being the last time she saw her mum.

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After, ‘Alan Called’ and ‘The Spider Who Ate A Butterfly’, Khairah Boukhatem returns with another stirring piece that continues to explore the relationship between the human and the animal.

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Following on from last week’s tale of an accidental butterfly catcher, this week our narrator takes a butterfly for its dinner, and chances to rhyme a lot as it taunts its prey.

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