My Embarrassing Freshers Story
Editor Isobel McVeigh recounts her embarrassing experience trying to… ‘fit in’ as a fresher.
→Editor Isobel McVeigh recounts her embarrassing experience trying to… ‘fit in’ as a fresher.
→In this entertaining article, Katie Phillips and Laura Carpenter share some tips, tricks, and general advice they wish somebody had given them when they were still new to life as students.
→Stirring, heartbreaking, but utterly beautiful; Emily Dennis ‘A Farewell’ captures a final goodbye with perfect simplicity.
→A local story about a local University of Southampton society, Byron Lewis recalls the beauty of his old office in SUSU.
→Sometimes change isn’t huge or monumental, but no matter the size of the change it still has an impact. Read Alyssa-Caroline Burnette’s piece about moving home within the same city and how it affected her.
→Wessex Scene asked some third-year students about their favourite (or least favourite) module – use→
Leaving your home country for another is a hard process to adapt to, but Alyssa-Caroline Burnette introspectively reflects on one of these challenges being the last time she saw her mum.
→Trigger warning: mentions of suicide, mentions of abuse I always thought one of us would→
Lily Melton takes us on a fun tour of Southampton’s cafes.
→You might have heard of the rivalry between the University of Southampton and our estranged sister, Solent University. Here’s why caring about it correlates with being insufferable.