Community Litter Pickers Organise City Clean-up For This Year’s GBSpringClean
The council are asking the community whether they are able to help with a city-wide→
The council are asking the community whether they are able to help with a city-wide→
‘It was a dangerous place for his girls who were starting to enter puberty. It was dangerous because my father had made it so.’
→844 students voted in the election this week for the two voluntary officer positions and the final Sabbatical role, VP Education and Democracy.
→As well as the route extension, many cycle paths are set to be widened.
→The incident is to believed to have taken place outside student accommodation Vincent Place.
→The decision was made following recommendations that over-70s should self-isolate due to the coronavirus.
→The space is hoping to be transformed into a hireable venue in the future.
→B40 and B42 will close 5pm on Friday 20th March and all large-scale summer term events are cancelled.
→The U1 and U2 services will be altered throughout the Easter break.
→These reduced operations will begin provisionally on Monday 23rd March, and will last initially until Sunday 19th April.