Last Week In Global Politics
Luke Abbot brings you up to date with this weeks main political events.
→Luke Abbot brings you up to date with this weeks main political events.
→Luke Abbot guides you through last week’s political events from Seoul to NYC in his first political weekly roundup.
→With the assisted dying bill vote around the corner, Luke Abbot breaks down what MPs are voting for and the bills political and historical significance.
→Maya Stevens provides her take on our current water crisis and the political failings that led to today’s situation.
→In-Depth: Daniel Poncia analyses the patriarchy that exists today in Britain, phenomenon such as the ‘manosphere’, and the tangible forms of inequality faced by women.
→J.M. Hurford gives a satirical report of the Tory record defeat
→Hamish brings you up to date with the first announcement of the General Election night!
→The general election campaigns have come to a close. Thursday 4th of July beckons. Politicians→
VP Deputy Editor Hamish McLay interviews Darren Paffey, the Labour Party’s candidate in the Southampton Itchen constituency in the general election on the 4th July.
→Hamish McLay explains the UK’s voting system.