Don’t Hate, Isolate: Black Rhino Numbers on a Delicate Rise
Black rhinos just joined the ranks of once nearly-extinct iconic megafauna who escaped their predicted doom
→Black rhinos just joined the ranks of once nearly-extinct iconic megafauna who escaped their predicted doom
→The trial is testing a drug that is aiming to alleviate symptoms in those most at risk from coronavirus.
→Turns out animals ‘do it’ too; Jordan Truong explores some notable examples.
→Georgia Smith provides an overview of the public reaction to HS2 and the environmental arguments against the project
→Delving into the science behind Joaquin Phoenix’s Oscar-winning performance of Joker in 2019
→Lisa Stimson explores the Coronavirus outbreak (a public health emergency) and the implications for another SARS-like epidemic
→Sci/Tech editor Lea reports on the recent, highly publicised appearance of the pneumonia-like virus in Wuhan, China
→Local MPs have replied to Southampton Pride’s open letter calling on them to make PrEP→
From our LGBT+ magazine, one of our writers breaks down surgery and hormone therapy options for transgender people.
→Have you heard of The Southampton University Human Powered Submarine Society yet? Here’s everything you need to know about them, including how to get involved yourself!