The University of Southampton’s Engagement and Advancement team has announced that a virtual Alumni vs Student Sports quiz is to be held on the 30th of July, hosted by the BBC’s Zoe Kleinman.
The team boasts that the quiz – taking place between 19:00-20:00 BST – will be the first ever Alumni vs Student Sports Quiz at the University. The free event will be held on the University of Southampton’s Alumni Facebook page. You will be able to take your place as a team on any conferencing website of your choice – or you can work solo if you are feeling confident enough!
The event will also be attended by some ‘familiar faces’ from across the University, including a special guest appearance by John Inverdale. A former student and ex-Wessex Scene editor, Mr. Inverdale is now an internationally renowned sports broadcaster. In anticipation of the quiz, he has noted;
“The last time my hair was this long, Blondie were number one with “Heart of Glass”, I was living in Glen Eyre Halls, captaining the University Tennis Team and editing Wessex News! In the intervening 40 years or so, my journalistic and broadcasting career has taken to me just about all the best sporting events in the world – all of them building up, obviously, to this quiz.”

Sign up for your free tickets here and make sure that you are registered so that you are guaranteed to get the link. Good luck!