Spitfire Tribute to NHS Will Fly Over Southampton THIS AFTERNOON


Today, on Saturday 1st August, a Spitfire will fly over Southampton emblazoned with the slogan ‘Thank U NHS’ as a tribute to the NHS’ invaluable work during the coronavirus pandemic.

The plane, iconic of British strength and resilience, is set to pass over Southampton General Hospital at 3:32pm.  On its journey, it will also visit locations across the south-east including Kent, Brighton, Poole and Oxford throughout the day.

There is also a chance to make this event even more special, as if you donate £10 via JustGiving, you can nominate the name of a loved one, a member of the NHS frontline, or just someone who’s lifted your spirits during the pandemic to be hand-written on the body-work of the plane.

The page has already raised over £17,000, with all funds being donated to NHS Charities Together.  There is space for 80,000 names on the aircraft, which the Aircraft Restoration Company are planning to continue flying in dedication to the NHS until September.

The idea for fly-pasts of the family-owned photo-reconnaissance blue Spitfire were born earlier in the year during the Clap for Carers as the owners flew the aircraft around their local area in a thankful gesture as well as to keep neighbours entertained during lockdown.  The event became a weekly occurrence, and it’s now going national.


Features Editor

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