General Election 2024: Why you should vote


The general election campaigns have come to a close. Thursday 4th of July beckons. Politicians can no longer persuade you to vote for them. It is now in your hands to choose who you wish to see running our country.

Despite the fact that many of the leading party’s policy issues impact young people the most, 18-24 year olds represent the lowest election turnout out of all of the age demographics across the last three elections. If you are someone who “isn’t interested in politics”, you’re not alone in this fact.

However, from what seems like the distant debates of the House of Commons, politics impacts the everyday lives of everyone up and down the country. From accessing a GP appointment to the cost of a train ticket: it all begins in politics.

Here’s why you should take to the polls tomorrow:

  1. You are voting for your future. Of course, the matters politicians debate in the House of Commons impacts each and every person in the country. However, several key issues impact one group the most – young people. Climate change, Palestine, Education etc. are all of extreme relevance for young people, and topics that will be debated and acted upon over the coming 5 years.
  2. Your vote counts more than ever. Many of the seats that were once “safe seats” are now either marginal, or a complete toss up. Therefore, for many who felt before their vote did not mean much because of how their constituency voted, this time around it may well be different.
  3. Stand up for issues you feel strongly about. Everyone has opinions, and one of the best ways to see these opinions transform into action is to vote. Although on countless occasions politicians have gone back on their promises, voting for your party of choice will help enable some of the policies that matter most to you.
  4. It is your democratic duty. If only a small percentile of the population votes, it challenges what Britain treasures, fights for, and upholds: Democracy. It was only in 1969 that the voting age was lowered to 18, so this is an opportunity that many young people have never had in Britain.
  5. You are ensuring funding for parties you care about. Short Money, the money paid to opposition parties gives £19,000 for each seat won by a party and £38.75 for every 200 votes. Casting your vote will help fund your party in the future election campaigns.



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