The North East’s Ballot Counting Derby


When most think of rivalry between Sunderland and Newcastle, one thing comes to mind – Football. Whilst it is true the derby between both Newcastle and Sunderland takes place on the football field, it comes to the surface in a peculiar way.

This race is not to put the ball in the back of the net, but to be the first constituency in the UK to announce the MP for their constituency.

If you have been watching the early election coverage, you may have viewed the tense battle taking place in the North East. It involves volunteers frantically running around gym halls and counting the voting slips that have been filled out throughout the day.

In 2019 and 2017, Newcastle claimed ballot counting glory. However, Sunderland maintain bragging rights with their almost impossible to beat record of 42 minutes and 45 seconds following the closure of polls.

Further to this, in breaking news, the Mackem’s have taken election glory this time! And perhaps more importantly, Labour gained a 7,179 majority in the constituency, with Reform UK coming in at second, and the Conservative Party in third. Bridget Phillipson, Shadow Education Secretary, becomes the first person elected into the new parliament.

Some may question if this is speed at the sacrifice of accuracy, however, if the result is clear cut, claims of inaccuracy and calls for a recount are invalid.




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