Interview with Emily Bastable: VP Education and Democracy Candidate
Wessex Scene interview potential VP Education and Democracy candidate Emily about their campaign.
→Wessex Scene interview potential VP Education and Democracy candidate Emily about their campaign.
→The 2022 Spring Election candidates have been announced.
→Fancy getting more involved with SUSU next year? Consider applying for a Sabbatical Officer or a voluntary position!
→Wessex Scene interview potential Union President candidate Harry about their campaign.
→Wessex Scene interview potential VP Education and Democracy candidate Ryan about their campaign.
→Wessex Scene interview potential VP Welfare and Community candidate Selin about their campaign.
→Wessex Scene interview potential VP Welfare and Community candidate Ruby about their campaign.
→Wessex Scene interview potential VP Welfare and Community candidate Aycha about their campaign.
→Wessex Scene interview potential VP Sports candidate Casie about their campaign.
→Wessex Scene interview potential VP Activities candidate Corin about their campaign.