“I’m Never Drinking Again” Says Student Going to the Pub Again Tonight
Even before we published this one, we had received at least 25 complaints of “I said that to you in confidence” from multiple individuals.
→Even before we published this one, we had received at least 25 complaints of “I said that to you in confidence” from multiple individuals.
→Can you come up with any?
→Turns out that they are just relaying what their parents said to them when they found out they were doing a Humanities degree.
→Ever imagine the microphone you’re holding is a 99? Maybe you too could benefit from your very own Soft Serve lever!
→‘Parents just don’t understand the importance of seasoning with those cheap supermarket packets, do they?’
→Hilarious reveal poems? We got ’em!
→Zip it, lock it, dollar straight in your pocket.
→Sam Pegg details the incredibly interesting discovery of a quick-Earth fix recipe!
→Mr Johnson finds time to practice his poetry in his latest diary entry.
→‘Stop leaving the kitchen in a state,’ because if it’s in quote marks then you won’t think I’ve written this about you.